QIP 医療の質測定 定義書


指標番号 Index 指標群 名称 分母 分子 Category Subject Denominator Numerator
0549 01-004 脳卒中 脳梗塞(TIA含む)の診断で入院し、入院2日目までに抗血小板療法あるいは一部の抗凝固療法を受けた症例の割合 18歳以上の脳梗塞かTIAの診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、入院2日目までに抗血小板療法もしくは 一部の抗凝固療法(オザグレルナトリウム)を受けた症例 Stroke Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) who were administered antiplatelet therapy within 2 days of admission Patients hospitalized for ischemic stroke or TIA aged 18 years and older Patients in the denominator who were administered antiplatelet therapy within 2 days of admission
0842 01-006 脳卒中 脳梗塞(TIA含む)の診断で入院し、入院中に未分画ヘパリンを投与されなかった症例の割合 18歳以上の脳梗塞かTIAの診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、未分画ヘパリンを投与されなかった症例 Stroke Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke who did not receive intravenous unfractionated heparin Patients hospitalized for ischemic stroke or TIA aged 18 years and older Patients in the denominator who did not receive intravenous unfractionated heparin
5001 01-015 脳卒中 脳梗塞の診断で入院し、抗痙攣薬を投与しない割合 18 歳以上の脳梗塞の診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、抗痙攣薬内服を投与されていない症例 Stroke Percentage of patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke and not receiving anticonvulsants Patients aged 18 years and older hospitalized with ischemic stroke Patients in the denominator who are not receiving oral anticonvulsants
2142 01-019 脳卒中 脳梗塞の診断で入院し、血栓溶解療法あるいは血栓除去治療を受けた症例の割合 18歳以上の脳梗塞の診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、入院中に血栓溶解療法あるいは血栓除去治療を受けた症例 Stroke Percentage of patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke and received thrombolytic therapy or thrombectomy Patients aged 18 years and older hospitalized with ischemic stroke Patients in the denominator who received thrombolytic therapy or thrombectomy during hospitalization
2167 01-020 脳卒中 脳卒中症例に対する地域連携の実施割合 脳卒中で入院した症例 分母のうち、地域連携に関する算定のある症例 Stroke Implementation ratio of regional cooperation for ischemic stroke patients Patients hospitalized for ischemic stroke Patients in the denominator for whom 'management fees for regional cooperative treatment plan' were calculated
2170 01-021 脳卒中 脳梗塞(TIA含む)の診断で入院し、抗血小板薬を処方された症例の割合 18歳以上の脳梗塞かTIAの診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、抗血小板薬を処方された症例 Stroke Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke or TIA who were prescribed antiplatelet therapy at discharge Patients hospitalized for ischemic stroke or TIA aged 18 years and older Patients in the denominator who were prescribed antiplatelet therapy at discharge
2171 01-022 脳卒中 脳梗塞患者のスタチン処方割合 脳梗塞で入院した症例数 分母のうち、スタチンが投与された症例数 Stroke Rate of statin prescription for patients with ischemic stroke Number of patients hospitalized for ischemic stroke Number of patients in the denominator to whom statins were administered
2172 01-023 脳卒中 心房細動を合併する脳梗塞(TIA含む)の診断で入院し、抗凝固薬を処方された症例の割合 18歳以上の脳梗塞かTIAの診断で入院し、かつ心房細動と診断を受けた入院症例 分母のうち、抗凝固薬を処方された症例 Stroke Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke or TIA with documented permanent, persistent, or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation who were prescribed an anticoagulant at discharge Patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke or TIA with documented permanent, persistent, or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation Patients in the denominator who were prescribed an anticoagulant at discharge
2173 01-024 脳卒中 心房細動を合併する脳梗塞(TIA含む)の診断で入院し、抗凝固薬を処方された症例の割合(90歳未満) 18歳以上90歳未満の脳梗塞かTIAの診断で入院し、かつ心房細動と診断 を受けた入院症例(腎不全症例除く) 分母のうち、抗凝固薬を処方された症例 Stroke Percentage of patients aged 18-90 years with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke or TIA with documented permanent, persistent, or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without a diagnosis of renal failure who were prescribed an anticoagulant at discharge Patients aged betqeen 18 and 90 years with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke or TIA with documented permanent, persistent, or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without a diagnosis of renal failure Patients in the denominator who were prescribed an anticoagulant at discharge
2178 01-025 脳卒中 脳梗塞の診断で入院し、リハビリ治療を受けた症例の割合 18歳以上の脳梗塞の診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、リハビリテーションを受けた症例 Stroke Percentage of patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke who received rehabilitation treatment Patients aged 18 years and older hospitalized with ischemic stroke Patients in the denominator who received rehabilitation treatment
2179 01-026 脳卒中 脳梗塞の診断で入院し、入院後早期にリハビリ治療を受けた症例の割合 18歳以上の脳梗塞の診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、入院後早期(3日以内)にリハビリテーション治療を受けた症例 Stroke Percentage of patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke who received rehabilitation treatment early after hospitalization Patients aged 18 years and older hospitalized with ischemic stroke Patients in the denominator who received rehabilitation treatment within 3 days of hospitalization
2180 01-027 脳卒中 脳梗塞の診断で入院し、入院 2日目あるいは3日目に初めてリハビリ治療を受けた症例の割合 18歳以上の脳梗塞の診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、入院当日(入院1日目)にはリハビリテーションを実施されず、かつ入院後2日目あるいは3日目にリハビリテーションを実施した症例 Stroke Percentage of patients hospitalized with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke who received their first rehabilitation treatment on the second or third day of hospitalization Patients aged 18 years and older hospitalized with ischemic stroke Patients in the denominator in whom rehabilitation was not performed on the day of admission (1st day of hospitalization) and rehabilitation was performed on the 2nd or 3rd day after admission
2189 01-028 脳卒中 くも膜下出血の診断で入院し、リハビリ治療を受けた症例の割合 18歳以上でくも膜下出血の診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、リハビリテーションを受けた症例 Stroke
2190 01-029 脳卒中 脳内出血の診断で入院し、リハビリ治療を受けた症例の割合 18歳以上の脳内出血の診断で入院した症例 分母のうち、リハビリテーションを受けた症例 Stroke
0417 04-007 呼吸器系 喘息入院患者における退院後30日間以内の同一施設再入院割合 喘息に関連した原因による5歳以上の入院症例数 分母のうち、退院後30日間以内に喘息に関連した原因で再入院した症例数 Respiratory Tract Diseases Percentage of discharged asthma patients who were readmitted to hospital within 30 days of discharge Patients aged 5 years and older hospitalized for asthma-associated diseases Patients in the denominator who were readmitted for asthma-related causes within 30 days of discharge
2093 04-012 呼吸器系 院内肺炎症例の平均抗菌薬投与日数 院内肺炎症例数 院内肺炎症例の抗菌薬投与日数合計 Respiratory Tract Diseases Average number of days of antibiotic administration in hospital-acquired pneumonia patients Number of patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia Total number of days of antibiotic administration for nosocomial pneumonia patients in the denominator
2095 04-014 呼吸器系 院内肺炎症例の治癒軽快割合 院内肺炎症例数 治癒または軽快で退院した症例数 Respiratory Tract Diseases Healing rate of nosocomial pneumonia patients Number of patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia Number of patients in the denominator discharged due to healing or remission
2181 04-017 呼吸器系 肺血栓塞栓症リスク中以上の手術実施症例に対する予防策実施率(60歳以上) 60歳以上の手術麻酔が算定された症例 肺血栓塞栓症の予防管理料の算定、あるいは予防に利用する薬剤が手術日の前日、当日、翌日の少なくともいずれかに算定されている症例 Respiratory Tract Diseases Implementation rate of preventive measures for surgery patients with intermediate or higher risk of pulmonary thromboembolism (aged 60 or older) Patients aged 60 and over for whom surgical anesthesia was calculated Patients for whom a pulmonary thromboembolism preventive management fee is calculated, or a drug used for prevention is calculated on the day before, the day of, or the day after surgery.
2182 04-018 呼吸器系 肺血栓塞栓症リスク中以上の手術実施症例に対する予防策実施率(40〜59歳) 40歳以上60歳未満かつ45分以上の手術麻酔が算定された症例 肺血栓塞栓症の予防管理料の算定、あるいは予防に利用する薬剤が手術日の前日、当日、翌日の少なくともいずれかに算定されている症例 Respiratory Tract Diseases Implementation rate of preventive measures for surgery patients with intermediate or higher risk of pulmonary thromboembolism (40-59 years old) Patients aged between 40 and 60 and for whom surgical anesthesia was calculated for 45 minutes or more Patients for whom a pulmonary thromboembolism preventive management fee is calculated, or a drug used for prevention is calculated on the day before, the day of, or the day after surgery.
2001 05-021 循環器系疾患 薬剤 急性心筋梗塞患者におけるアスピリン投与割合 急性心筋梗塞で入院した症例数 分母のうち、アスピリンもしくはクロピドグレルが投与された症例数 Cardiovascular (Medication) Percentage of acute myocardial infarction patients who received aspirin Patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction Patients in the denominator who received aspirin
2002 05-024 循環器系疾患 薬剤 急性心筋梗塞患者におけるβブロッカー投与割合 急性心筋梗塞で入院した症例数 分母のうち、βブロッカーが投与された症例数 Cardiovascular (Medication) Percentage of acute myocardial infarction patients who received beta-blockers Patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction Patients in the denominator who received beta-blockers
2003 05-026 循環器系疾患 薬剤 急性心筋梗塞患者におけるACE阻害剤もしくはアンギオテンシンU受容体阻害剤の投与割合 急性心筋梗塞で入院した症例数 分母のうち、ACE阻害剤(ACEI)もしくはアンギオテンシンU受容体阻害剤(ARB)が投与された症例数 Cardiovascular (Medication) Percentage of acute myocardial infarction patients who received angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) Patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction Patients in the denominator who received ACEI or ARB
0475 05-032 循環器系疾患 薬剤 急性心筋梗塞患者における当日アスピリン投与割合 急性心筋梗塞で入院した症例数 分母のうち入院当日にアスピリンが投与された症例数 Cardiovascular (Medication) Percentage of acute myocardial infarction patients who received aspirin at the admission day Patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction Patients in the denominator who received aspirin within 2 days after admission
2174 05-033 循環器系疾患 薬剤 急性心筋梗塞患者における抗血小板薬投与割合 急性心筋梗塞で入院した症例数 分母のうち、アスピリン、チクロピジン、プラスグレル、クロピドグレル、チカグレロルのいずれかが投与された症例数 Cardiovascular (Medication) Percentage of acute myocardial infarction patients who received aspirin at hospital discharge Patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction Patients in the denominator who received aspirin or clopidogrel at hospital discharge
2175 05-034 循環器系疾患 薬剤 急性心筋梗塞患者におけるスタチン投与割合 急性心筋梗塞で入院した症例数 分母のうち、スタチンが投与された症例数 Cardiovascular (Medication) Percentage of acute myocardial infarction patients who received statins at hospital discharge Patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction Patients in the denominator who received statins at hospital discharge
2077 05-055 循環器系疾患 急性心筋梗塞(再発性心筋梗塞含む)患者に対する心臓リハビリ実施割合 急性心筋梗塞(再発性心筋梗塞含む)で入院した症例数 分母のうち、心臓リハビリが実施された症例数 Cardiovascular Percentage of acute myocardial infarction patients (including recurrent myocardial infarction) who received cardiac rehabilitation services Number of patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction (including recurrent myocardial infarction) Number of patients in the denominator who received cardiac rehabilitation services
2078 05-056 循環器系疾患 急性または慢性心不全患者に対する心臓リハビリ実施割合 急性または慢性心不全で入院した症例数 分母のうち、心臓リハビリが実施された症例数 Cardiovascular Percentage of acute or chronic heart failure patients who received cardiac rehabilitation services Number of patients hospitalized for acute or chronic heart failure Number of patients in the denominator who received cardiac rehabilitation services
2188 05-081 循環器系疾患 急性心筋梗塞症例に対する地域連携の実施割合 急性心筋梗塞で入院した症例 分母のうち、地域連携に関する算定のある症例 Cardiovascular
2056 06-003 消化器系 急性膵炎に対する 入院2日以内のCT実施割合 急性膵炎で退院した症例 分母のうち、入院日から2日以内にCTが施行された症例 Gastroenterology Percentage of patients with acute pancreatitis who underwent CT scan examination within 2 days of admission Number of discharged patients with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis Number of patients in the denominator that underwent CT scan examination within 2 days of admission
5002 06-005 消化器系 小児虫垂炎入院症例で超音波検査の施行割合 虫垂炎で入院した小児(5歳から15歳)症例 分母のうち、入院当日に超音波検査を施行された症例 Gastroenterology Percentage of patients hospitalized with pediatric appendicitis that underwent ultrasonography Number of children (5 to 15 years old) hospitalized for appendicitis Number of patients in the denominator that underwent ultrasonography on the day of admission
2126 06-006 消化器系 胆管炎・急性胆嚢炎に対する入院2日以内の超音波検査実施割合 胆管炎・急性胆嚢炎で入院した症例 分母のうち、入院日から2日以内に超音波検査が実施された症例 Gastroenterology Percentage of patients with cholangitis/ acute cholecystitis who underwent ultrasonography within 2 days of admission Number of patients hospitalized for cholangitis/ acute cholecystitis Number of patients in the denominator that underwent ultrasonography within 2 days of admission
2138 06-008 消化器系 急性膵炎に対する 入院2日以内の造影CT実施割合 急性膵炎で退院した症例 分母のうち、入院日から2日以内に造影CTが施行された症例 Gastroenterology Percentage of patients with acute pancreatitis who underwent contrast-enhanced CT scan examination within 2 days of admission Number of discharged patients with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis Number of patients in the denominator that underwent contrast-enhanced CT scan examination within 2 days of admission
2132 06-010 循環器系疾患 薬剤 アスピリン内服患者の退院時酸分泌抑制薬(PPI/H2RA)処方率 退院時にアスピリン内服薬が処方されている18歳以上の患者 分母のうち退院時に酸分泌抑制薬(PPI/H2RA)が退院時に処方された症例 Cardiovascular (Medication) Prescription rate of gastric acid secretion inhibitor (PPI / H2RA) at discharge for patients taking aspirin Patients aged 18 years and older who are prescribed oral aspirin at the time of discharge Patients in the denominator who were prescribed gastric acid secretion inhibitor (PPI/H2RA)
2046 07-001 整形外科 大腿骨頸部骨折における早期リハビリ開始率 大腿骨頸部骨折で入院し、大腿骨頸部の手術を受けた症例 分母のうち、大腿骨頸部手術後3日以内にリハビリを実施した症例 Orthopedics Rate of patients with femoral neck fracture who received rehabilitation services early after surgery Patients hospitalized for femoral neck fracture and had undergone surgery Number of patients in the denominator who received rehabilitation services within 3 days after surgery
2114 07-006 整形外科 大腿骨頸部骨折の早期手術割合 大腿骨頸部骨折で入院し、大腿骨折の手術を受けた症例 分母のうち、入院2日以内に手術を受けた症例数 Orthopedics Percentage of early surgery for patients with femoral neck fracture Patients hospitalized for femoral neck fracture and had undergone surgery Number of patients in the denominator who underwent surgery within 2 days of hospitalization
2115 07-007 整形外科 大腿骨転子部骨折の早期手術割合 大腿骨転子部骨折で入院し、大腿骨折の手術を受けた症例 分母のうち、入院2日以内に手術を受けた症例数 Orthopedics Percentage of early surgery for patients with femoral trochanteric fractures Patients hospitalized for femoral trochanteric fracture and had undergone surgery Number of patients in the denominator who underwent surgery within 2 days of hospitalization
2166 07-008 整形外科 大腿骨頸部骨折症例に対する地域連携の実施割合 大腿骨頸部骨折で入院し、大腿骨頸部の手術を受けた症例 分母のうち、地域連携に関する算定のある症例 Orthopedics Percentage of patients with femoral neck fracture for whom regional cooperative pathways were used Patients hospitalized for femoral neck fracture and had undergone surgery Number of patients in the denominator for whom regional cooperation fees were calculated
2038 09-001 乳がん T1-2,N0M0乳がん手術患者に対するセンチネルリンパ節生検率 T1-2,N0M0の乳がん(初発)で入院して手術を施行した症例数 分母のうち、センチネルリンパ節生検が実施された症例数 Breast Cancer Percentage of surgical patients with T1-2 N0M0 breast cancer who had undergone a sentinel lymph node biopsy Patients hospitalized for T1-2 N0M0 breast cancer (primary tumor) and had undergone surgery Patients in the denominator who had undergone a sentinel lymph node biopsy
2075 10-003 糖尿病 糖尿病入院患者に対する栄養指導実施率 入院時の病名に糖尿病のある症例 分母のうち栄養指導を行った症例 Diabetes Percentage of diabetic inpatients who received nutritional guidance Diabetic patients Diabetic inpatients who received nutritional guidance
0684 12-051 周産期系 帝王切開術における全身麻酔以外の割合 帝王切開術を受けた症例 分母のうち、全身麻酔以外の症例 Perinatal Care Percentage of women who did not receive a general anesthetic for a Cesarean section Number of patients who delivered by Cesarean section Number os patients in the denominator who did not receive general anesthetic
0687 12-052 周産期系 帝王切開術のための入院期間中に輸血を受けた症例の割合 帝王切開術を受けた症例 分母のうち、赤血球輸血を受けた症例 Perinatal Care Percentage of women who received a blood transfusion during hospitalization for a Cesarean section Number of patients who delivered by Cesarean section Number of patients in the denominator who received an erythrocyte transfusion
2041 12-053 周産期系 ハイリスク妊娠・分娩症例の割合 妊娠あるいは分娩に関連する疾病の治療・分娩のために入院した患者 分母のうち、ハイリスク妊娠・分娩管理加算を算定された症例 Perinatal Care Percentage of women with high-risk pregnancy or delivery Number of patients who were admitted to hospital for delivery or for diseases related to pregnancy/delivery Number of patients in the denominator for whom 'management fees for high-risk pregnancy or delivery' were calculated
0652 17-001 精神科 精神科入院症例のうち、向精神病薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である割合 主に精神疾患の治療のために入院した症例のうち、退院処方に向精神薬が含まれる症例数 退院時処方に向精神病薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である症例数 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients with mental disorders who were administered 1 or 2 psychotropic medications at the time of discharge Patients hospitalized for mental disorders and were administered psychotropic medications at the time of discharge Patients in the denominator who were administered 1 or 2 psychotropic medications at the time of discharge
0653 17-002 精神科 精神科入院症例のうち、抗精神病薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である割合 主に精神疾患の治療のために入院した症例のうち、退院処方に抗精神病薬が含まれる症例数 分母のうち、退院時処方に抗精神病薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である症例数 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients with mental disorders who were administered 1 or 2 antipsychotic medications at the time of discharge Patients hospitalized for mental disorders and were administered antipsychotic medications at the time of discharge Patients in the denominator who were administered 1 or 2 antipsychotic medications at the time of discharge
0654 17-003 精神科 精神科入院症例のうち、抗不安薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である割合 主に精神疾患の治療のために入院した症例のうち、退院処方に抗不安薬が含まれる症例数 分母のうち、退院時処方に抗不安薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である症例数 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients with mental disorders who were administered 1 or 2 anti-anxiety medications at the time of discharge Patients hospitalized for mental disorders and were administered anti-anxiety medications at the time of discharge Patients in the denominator who were administered 1 or 2 anti-anxiety medications at the time of discharge
0655 17-004 精神科 精神科入院症例のうち、睡眠薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である割合 主に精神疾患の治療のために入院した症例のうち、退院処方に睡眠薬が含まれる症例数 分母のうち、退院時処方に睡眠薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である症例数 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients with mental disorders who were administered 1 or 2 sleep medications at the time of discharge Patients hospitalized for mental disorders and were administered sleep medications at the time of discharge Patients in the denominator who were administered 1 or 2 sleep medications at the time of discharge
0656 17-005 精神科 精神科入院症例のうち、抗うつ薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である割合 主に精神疾患の治療のために入院した症例のうち、退院処方に抗うつ薬が含まれる症例数 分母のうち、退院時処方に抗うつ薬の退院処方が単剤または2剤である症例数 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients with mental disorders who were administered 1 or 2 antidepressant medications at the time of discharge Patients hospitalized for mental disorders and were administered antidepressant medications at the time of discharge Patients in the denominator who were administered 1 or 2 antidepressant medications at the time of discharge
2106 17-006 精神科 精神疾患で入院した症例における身体拘束割合(高齢者を除く) 精神疾患で入院した延べ症例数(高齢者を除く) 身体拘束を実施した症例数 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients with mental disorders who received physical restraint Patients hospitalized for mental disorders aged under 80 Patients in the denominator who received physical restraint
2106_2 17-006-2 精神科 精神疾患で入院した症例における身体拘束割合(高齢者を除く、GAF30以下) 精神疾患で入院した延べ症例数(高齢者を除く、GAF30以下) 身体拘束を実施した症例数 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients with mental disorders who received physical restraint Patients hospitalized for mental disorders aged under 80 Patients in the denominator who received physical restraint
2106_3 17-006-3 精神科 精神疾患で入院した症例における身体拘束割合(高齢者を除く、GAF31以上) 精神疾患で入院した延べ症例数(高齢者を除く、GAF31以上) 身体拘束を実施した症例数 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients with mental disorders who received physical restraint Patients hospitalized for mental disorders aged under 80 Patients in the denominator who received physical restraint
2127_1 17-007-1 精神科 75歳以上の入院症例でトリアゾラムが処方された割合 75歳以上の入院症例 トリアゾラムが処方された症例 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients aged 75 years and older who were prescribed Triazolam Hospitalized patients aged 75 years and older Patients to whom Triazolam was prescribed
2127_2 17-007-2 精神科 75歳以上の入院症例で長時間型ベンゾジアゼピン受容体作動薬が処方された割合 75歳以上の入院症例 長時間型ベンゾジアゼピン受容体作動薬が処方された症例 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients aged 75 years or older to whom long-term benzodiazepine receptor agonists were prescribed Hospitalized patients aged 75 years and older Patients to whom a long-term benzodiazepine receptor agonist was prescribed
2127_3 17-007-3 精神科 75歳以上の入院症例でトリアゾラムまたは長時間型ベンゾジアゼピン受容体作動薬が処方された割合 75歳以上の入院症例 トリアゾラムまたは長時間型ベンゾジアゼピン受容体作動薬が処方された症例 Psychiatry Percentage of hospitalized patients aged 75 years or older to whom Triazolam or long-term benzodiazepine receptor agonists were prescribed Hospitalized patients aged 75 years and older Patients to whom Triazolam or long-term benzodiazepine receptor agonists were prescribed
2023 18-001 感染症 抗MRSA薬投与に対して、薬物血中濃度を測定された症例の割合 TDMを行うべき抗MRSA薬を投与された症例数 分母のうち、薬物血中濃度を測定された症例 Infections Percentage of patients who received anti-MRSA therapy and had undergone therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) Patients who received anti-MRSA therapy Patients in the denominator who had undergone TDM
2108 18-001-2 感染症 抗MRSA薬投与症例対して、細菌検査を実施された割合 抗MRSA薬を投与された症例数 分母のうち、細菌検査を測定された症例 Infections Percentage of patients who received anti-MRSA therapy and had bacteria test Patients who received anti-MRSA therapy Patients in the denominator who had bacteria test
2107 18-002-1 感染症系 血液培養検査において、同日に2セット以上の実施割合 血液培養のオーダー日数(人日) 血液培養のオーダーが1日に2件以上ある日数(人日) Infections Percentage of blood cultures conducted two or more times per patient per day Total number of days where blood cultures were conducted per patient Total number of days where blood cultures were conducted two or more times per patient per day
2107_2 18-002-2 感染症系 血液培養検査において、同日に2セット以上の実施割合(生後28日未満) 血液培養のオーダー日数(人日)(実施日が生後28日未満) 血液培養のオーダーが1日に2件以上ある日数(人日) Infections Percentage of blood cultures conducted two or more times per patient per day (before 28 days of age) Total number of days per patient when blood culture was ordered (person-days)(when execution date is before 28 days of age) Total number of days where blood cultures were conducted two or more times per patient per day
2107_3 18-002-3 感染症系 血液培養検査において、同日に2セット以上の実施割合(生後28日以上2歳未満) 血液培養のオーダー日数(人日)(実施日が生後28日以上2歳未満) 血液培養のオーダーが1日に2件以上ある日数(人日) Infections Percentage of blood cultures conducted two or more times per patient per day (on the 28th day of age or after, and before 2 years of age) Total number of days per patient when blood culture was ordered (person-days)(when the execution date is on 28th day of age or after and before 2 years of age) Total number of days where blood cultures were conducted two or more times per patient per day
2107_4 18-002-4 感染症系 血液培養検査において、同日に2セット以上の実施割合(2歳以上6歳未満) 血液培養のオーダー日数(人日)(実施日が2歳以上6歳未満) 血液培養のオーダーが1日に2件以上ある日数(人日) Infections Percentage of blood cultures conducted two or more times per patient per day (at 2 years of age or after and before 6 years of age) Total number of days per patient when blood culture was ordered (person-days)(when execution date is at 2 years of age or after and before 6 years of age) Total number of days where blood cultures were conducted two or more times per patient per day
2107_5 18-002-5 感染症系 血液培養検査において、同日に2セット以上の実施割合(6歳以上) 血液培養のオーダー日数(人日)(実施日が6歳以上) 血液培養のオーダーが1日に2件以上ある日数(人日) Infections Percentage of blood cultures conducted two or more times per patient per day (at or after 6 years of age) Total number of days per patient when blood culture was ordered (person-days)(when execution date was at or after 6 years of age) Total number of days where blood cultures were conducted two or more times per patient per day
2031_4 18-006-1 感染症系 市中肺炎症例に対し、尿中肺炎球菌抗原検査を受けた症例の割合 18歳以上の市中肺炎症例 分母のうち、尿中肺炎球菌抗原検査を受けた症例 Infections Number of community-acquired pneumonia patients who underwent urinary pneumococcal antigen test Number of patients aged 18 years and older with community-acquired pneumonia Patients in the denominator that underwent urinary pneumococcal antigen test
2031_6 18-006-2 感染症系 市中肺炎症例に対し、入院当日から抗菌薬を投与された症例の割合 18歳以上の市中肺炎症例 分母のうち、入院当日から抗菌薬を投与された症例 Infections Number of community-acquired pneumonia patients to whom antibacterial drugs were administered from the day of hospitalization Number of patients aged 18 years and older with community-acquired pneumonia Patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs were administered from the day of admission
2031_7 18-006-3 感染症系 市中肺炎症例に対する、注射抗菌薬開始時の抗緑膿菌薬投与割合 市中肺炎症例に対し、入院中に注射抗菌薬を投与された症例数 分母のうち、注射抗菌薬の投与初日に、抗緑膿菌薬を処方された症例数 Infections Percentage of anti-Pseudomonas aeruginosa drug administration at the start of injectable antibacterial drug treatment for community-acquired pneumonia patients Number of patients to whom injectable antibacterial drugs were administered during hospitalization for community-acquired pneumonia Number of patients in the denominator to whom an anti-Pseudomonas aeruginosa drug was prescribed on the first day of administration of injectable antibacterial drugs
2124 18-009 感染症 カルバペネム・ニューキノロン・抗MRSA薬使用時の血液培養実施率 カルバペネム系注射薬、ニューキノロン系注射薬、(バンコマイシン内服は除く)投与を開始した入院症例数 分母のうち投与開始初日に血液培養検査を実施した人数 Infections Rate of blood culture implementation in patients using broad-spectrum antibiotics Number of hospitalized patients who started administration of injectable carbapenem, injectable new quinolone (excluding oral vancomycin) Number of patients in the denominator who underwent blood culture tests on the first day of broad-spectrum antibiotic administration
2124_2 18-009-3 感染症 カルバペネム・ニューキノロン・抗MRSA薬使用までの培養検査実施率 カルバペネム系注射薬、ニューキノロン系注射薬、抗 MRSA 薬(バンコマイシン内服は除く)投与を開始した入院症例数 分母のうち投与開始初日までに培養検査を実施した人数 Infections Rate of culture test implementation in patients before the start of broad-spectrum antibiotics use Number of hospitalized patients who started administration of injectable carbapenem, injectable new quinolone, and anti-MRSA drugs (excluding oral vancomycin) Number of patients in the denominator who underwent culture tests until the first day of broad-spectrum antibiotic administration
2128 18-010 感染症 経口第3世代セフェム処方が経口抗菌薬全体に占める割合 外来にて経口抗菌薬(抗ウイルス薬、抗真菌薬を除く)の含まれる処方が実施された人日 外来にて経口第3世代セフェム処方の含まれる処方が実施された人日 Infections Percentage of prescription of oral 3rd generation Cephem among all oral antibiotics Number of person-days when a prescription containing oral antibacterial drugs (excluding antivirals and antifungals) was carried out in an outpatient setting Number of person-days when a prescription containing an oral 3rd generation Cephem was carried out in an outpatient setting
2129 18-011 感染症 経口カルバペネム処方数が経口抗菌薬全体に占める割合 外来にて経口抗菌薬(抗ウイルス薬、抗真菌薬を除く)の含まれる処方が実施された人日 外来にて経口カルバペネム処方の含まれる処方が実施された人日 Infections Percentage of prescription of oral Carbapenem among all oral antibiotics Number of person-days when a prescription containing oral antibacterial drugs (excluding antivirals and antifungals) was carried out in an outpatient setting Number of person-days when a prescription containing an oral Carbapenem was carried out in an outpatient setting
2130 18-012 感染症 外来における小児抗菌薬適正使用支援加算の全体数と実施割合 急性上気道炎、急性胃腸炎、急性下痢症と診断された小児症例(2018年度以降) 分母で特定した傷病の診療開始日と同日に小児抗菌薬適正支援加算の算定をされている症例 Infections Total number and Percentage of implementation of [pediatric antibacterial drug proper use support] services in the outpatient department Number of pediatric patients diagnosed with acute upper respiratory tract inflammation, acute gastroenteritis, and acute diarrhea (since 2018) Number of patients in the denominator for which the [pediatric antibacterial drug proper use support] services is calculated on the same day as the start date of the medical treatment for the injury or illness specified by the denominator.
2183 18-013 感染症 院内感染治療の耐性菌治療割合 院内発症の7日以上点滴抗菌薬治療症例 分母のうち、7日以上耐性菌用点滴治療症例 Infections Proportion of treatment for resistant bacteria in nosocomial infections (β version under development) Number of cases of in-hospital disease onset treated with intravenous antibiotics for 7 days or more Number of cases in the denominator that received intravenous therapy for resistant bacteria for 7 days or more
2184 18-014 感染症 関節置換術症例の院内感染治療の耐性菌治療割合 関節置換術実施症例のうち院内発症の7日以上点滴抗菌薬治療症例 分母のうち、7日以上耐性菌用点滴治療症例 Infections Proportion of treatment for resistant bacteria in nosocomial infections in joint replacement surgery cases (β version under development) Number of cases of in-hospital disease onset treated with intravenous antibiotics for 7 days or more among joint replacement surgery cases Number of cases in the denominator that received intravenous therapy for resistant bacteria for 7 days or more
2185 18-015 感染症 院内肺炎治療の耐性菌治療割合 院内肺炎で7日以上点滴抗菌薬治療症例 分母のうち、7日以上耐性菌用点滴治療症例 Infections Proportion of treatment for resistant bacteria in nosocomial pneumonia treatment (β version under development) Number of cases of nosocomial pneumonia treated with intravenous antibiotics for 7 days or more Number of cases in the denominator that received intravenous therapy for resistant bacteria for 7 days or more
3012 18-053 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬のガイドライン順守率−頭蓋内血腫除去術 頭蓋内血腫除去術に対して予防的抗菌薬投与が行われた症例 予防的抗菌薬投与が手術日に開始されておりかつ投与日数が2日以内の症例数 Antibacterial Drugs --> perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis?? Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines compliance for intracranial hematoma removal surgery Number of patients who underwent intracranial hematoma removal surgery and were administered prophylactic antibiotics Number of patients in the denominator whose prophylactic antibiotic administration was started on the day of surgery and the number of days of administration was within 2 days
3311 18-101 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:胃全摘術(開腹/腹腔鏡下手術) 胃全摘術(開腹/腹腔鏡下)が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for total gastrectomy (laparotomy/ laparoscopy) Number of patients in whom total gastrectomy (laparotomy/ laparoscopy) was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3312 18-102 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:胃全摘術(開腹/腹腔鏡下手術) 胃全摘術(開腹/腹腔鏡下)が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌々日(手術実施日+2)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period compliance for total gastrectomy (laparotomy/ laparoscopy) Number of patients in whom total gastrectomy (laparotomy/ laparoscopy) was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered two days after the surgery (surgery date + 2)
3313 18-103 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:胃全摘術(開腹/腹腔鏡下手術) 胃全摘術(開腹/腹腔鏡下)が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration drug type compliance for total gastrectomy (laparotomy/ laparoscopy) Number of patients in whom total gastrectomy (laparotomy/ laparoscopy) was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3314 18-104 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:胃全摘術(開腹/腹腔鏡下手術) 胃全摘術(開腹/腹腔鏡下)が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の翌々日(手術実施日+2)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for total gastrectomy (laparotomy/ laparoscopy) Number of patients in whom total gastrectomy (laparotomy/ laparoscopy) was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery. Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered two days after the surgery (surgery date + 2)
3321 18-105 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:乳房切除術 乳房切除術が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for mastectomy Number of patients in whom mastectomy was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3322 18-106 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:乳房切除術 乳房切除術が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period compliance for mastectomy Number of patients in whom mastectomy was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3323 18-107 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:乳房切除術 乳房切除術が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration drug type compliance for mastectomy Number of patients in whom mastectomy was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3324 18-108 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:乳房切除術 乳房切除術が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for mastectomy Number of patients in whom mastectomy was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3331 18-109 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:腹式子宮摘出術(開腹) 腹式子宮摘出術(開腹)が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for abdominal hysterectomy (laparotomy) Number of patients in whom abdominal hysterectomy (laparotomy) was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3332 18-110 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:腹式子宮摘出術(開腹) 腹式子宮摘出術(開腹)が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis administration period compliance for abdominal hysterectomy (laparotomy) Number of patients in whom abdominal hysterectomy (laparotomy) was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3333 18-111 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:腹式子宮摘出術(開腹) 腹式子宮摘出術(開腹)が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis administration drug type compliance for abdominal hysterectomy (laparotomy) Number of patients in whom abdominal hysterectomy (laparotomy) was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3334 18-112 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:腹式子宮摘出術(開腹) 腹式子宮摘出術(開腹)が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for abdominal hysterectomy (laparotomy) Number of patients in whom abdominal hysterectomy (laparotomy) was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3341 18-113 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:冠動脈バイパス手術 冠動脈バイパス手術が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for coronary artery bypass surgery Number of patients in whom coronary artery bypass surgery was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3342 18-114 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:冠動脈バイパス手術 冠動脈バイパス手術が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌々々日(手術実施日+3)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period compliance for coronary artery bypass surgery Number of patients in whom coronary artery bypass surgery was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered three days after the surgery (surgery date + 3)
3343 18-115 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:冠動脈バイパス手術 冠動脈バイパス手術が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration drug type compliance for coronary artery bypass surgery Number of patients in whom coronary artery bypass surgery was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3344 18-116 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:冠動脈バイパス手術 冠動脈バイパス手術が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の翌々々日(手術実施日+3)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for coronary artery bypass surgery Number of patients in whom coronary artery bypass surgery was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery. Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered three days after the surgery (surgery date + 3)
3351 18-117 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:弁膜症手術(弁置換術、弁形成術) 弁膜症手術(弁置換術、弁形成術)が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for valvular disease surgery (valve replacement surgery, valvuloplasty) Number of patients in whom valvular disease surgery (valve replacement surgery, valvuloplasty) was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3352 18-118 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:弁膜症手術(弁置換術、弁形成術) 弁膜症手術(弁置換術、弁形成術)が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌々々日(手術実施日+3)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis administration period compliance for valvular disease surgery (valve replacement surgery, valvuloplasty) Number of patients in whom valvular disease surgery (valve replacement surgery, valvuloplasty) was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered three days after the surgery (surgery date + 3)
3353 18-119 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:弁膜症手術(弁置換術、弁形成術) 弁膜症手術(弁置換術、弁形成術)が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis administration drug type compliance for valvular disease surgery (valve replacement surgery, valvuloplasty) Number of patients in whom valvular disease surgery (valve replacement surgery, valvuloplasty) was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3354 18-120 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:弁膜症手術(弁置換術、弁形成術) 弁膜症手術(弁置換術、弁形成術)が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の翌々々日(手術実施日+3)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for valvular disease surgery (valve replacement surgery, valvuloplasty) Number of patients in whom valvular disease surgery (valve replacement surgery, valvuloplasty) was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered three days after the surgery (surgery date + 3)
3361 18-121 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:心臓デバイス挿入手技(ペースメーカーなど) 心臓デバイス挿入手技(ペースメーカーなど)が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for cardiac device insertion procedure (pacemaker, etc.) Number of patients in whom cardiac device insertion procedure (pacemaker, etc.) was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3362 18-122 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:心臓デバイス挿入手技(ペースメーカーなど) 心臓デバイス挿入手技(ペースメーカーなど)が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period compliance for cardiac device insertion procedure (pacemaker, etc.) Number of patients in whom cardiac device insertion procedure (pacemaker, etc.) was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3363 18-123 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:心臓デバイス挿入手技(ペースメーカーなど) 心臓デバイス挿入手技(ペースメーカーなど)が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration drug type compliance for cardiac device insertion procedure (pacemaker, etc.) Number of patients in whom cardiac device insertion procedure (pacemaker, etc.) was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3364 18-124 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:心臓デバイス挿入手技(ペースメーカーなど) 心臓デバイス挿入手技(ペースメーカーなど)が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for cardiac device insertion procedure (pacemaker, etc.) Number of patients in whom cardiac device insertion procedure (pacemaker, etc.) was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3371 18-125 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:肺切除術(開胸) 肺切除術(開胸)が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for Pneumonectomy (thoracotomy) Number of patients in whom pneumonectomy (thoracotomy) was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3372 18-126 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:肺切除術(開胸) 肺切除術(開胸)が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌々日(手術実施日+2)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis administration period compliance for Pneumonectomy (thoracotomy) Number of patients in whom pneumonectomy (thoracotomy) was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered two days after the surgery (surgery date + 2)
3373 18-127 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:肺切除術(開胸) 肺切除術(開胸)が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis administration drug type compliance for Pneumonectomy (thoracotomy) Number of patients in whom pneumonectomy (thoracotomy) was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3374 18-128 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:肺切除術(開胸) 肺切除術(開胸)が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の翌々日(手術実施日+2)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for pneumonectomy (thoracotomy) Number of patients in whom pneumonectomy (thoracotomy) was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered two days after the surgery (surgery date + 2)
3391 18-133 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ使用) 鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ使用)が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, mesh use) Number of patients in whom radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, mesh use) was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3392 18-134 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ使用) 鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ使用)が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period compliance for radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, mesh use) Number of patients in whom radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, mesh use) was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3393 18-135 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ使用) 鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ使用)が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration drug type compliance for radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, mesh use) Number of patients in whom radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, mesh use) was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3394 18-136 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ使用) 鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ使用)が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, mesh use) Number of patients in whom radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, mesh use) was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3401 18-137 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ非使用) 鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ非使用)が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, no mesh used) Number of patients in whom radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, no mesh used) was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3402 18-138 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ非使用) 鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ非使用)が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period compliance for radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, no mesh used) Number of patients in whom radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, no mesh used) was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3403 18-139 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ非使用) 鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ非使用)が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration drug type compliance for radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, no mesh used) Number of patients in whom radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, no mesh used) was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3404 18-140 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ非使用) 鼠径部ヘルニア根治術(開腹、メッシュ非使用)が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌日(手術実施日+1)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, no mesh used) Number of patients in whom radical inguinal hernia surgery (laparotomy, no mesh used) was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered on the day after the surgery (surgery date + 1)
3411 18-141 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:人工関節置換術 人工関節置換術が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for artificial joint replacement Number of patients in whom artificial joint replacement was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3412 18-142 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:人工関節置換術 人工関節置換術が行われた症例 手術実施日の翌々々日(手術実施日+3)に抗菌薬(薬剤種類かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period compliance for artificial joint replacement Number of patients in whom artificial joint replacement was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (regardless of drug type) were not administered three days after the surgery (surgery date + 3)
3413 18-143 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:人工関節置換術 人工関節置換術が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration drug type compliance for artificial joint replacement Number of patients in whom artificial joint replacement was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3414 18-144 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:人工関節置換術 人工関節置換術が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の翌々々日(手術実施日+3)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for artificial joint replacement Number of patients in whom artificial joint replacement was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered three days after the surgery (surgery date + 3)
3421 18-145 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与日数の平均値:経尿道的前立腺切除術(TURP) 経尿道的前立腺切除術(TURP)が行われた症例 抗菌薬の予防的投与日数の総計(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない) Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Mean days of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration for transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) Number of patients in whom transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) was performed Total number of days of prophylactic administration of antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) for the patients in the denominator
3422 18-146 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期抗菌薬の予防的な投与期間遵守率:経尿道的前立腺切除術(TURP) 経尿道的前立腺切除術(TURP)が行われた症例 手術実施日の4日目(手術実施日+4)に抗菌薬(推奨薬剤かどうかは問わない)が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period compliance for transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) Number of patients in whom transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) was performed Number of patients in the denominator to whom antibacterial drugs (whether recommended or not) were not administered on the 4th day after the surgery (surgery date + 4)
3423 18-147 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類遵守率:経尿道的前立腺切除術(TURP) 経尿道的前立腺切除術(TURP)が行われた症例 手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている件数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration drug type compliance for transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) Number of patients in whom transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) was performed Number of recommended antibacterial drugs administered on the day of the surgery to the patients in the denominator
3424 18-148 周術期抗菌薬予防投与 周術期予防的抗菌薬の薬剤種類および投与期間遵守率:経尿道的前立腺切除術(TURP) 経尿道的前立腺切除術(TURP)が行われた症例のうち、手術実施日に推奨抗菌薬が投与されている症例 手術実施日の4日目(手術実施日+4)に推奨抗菌薬が投与されていない症例数 Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Rate of perioperative antibiotic prophylactic administration period and drug type compliance for transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) Number of patients in whom transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) was performed and the recommended antibacterial drugs were administered on the day of the surgery Number of patients in the denominator to whom the recommended antibacterial drug was not administered on the 4th day after the surgery (surgery date + 4)
2042 19-001 マネジメント 小児入院患者件数に対する、時間外または深夜入院の入院数および割合 15歳以下の退院症例、院内出生症例を除く 分母のうち、時間外または深夜に緊急入院した症例(分子の数値も指標) Medical Management Number and percentage of pediatric inpatients who were hospitalized after hours Number of hospitalized pediatric patients aged 15 years and younger (excluding newborns) Number of patients in the denominator who were hospitalized after hours
2071 19-004 マネジメント 悪性腫瘍症例に対する退院支援の割合 悪性腫瘍入院症例数 分母のうち、退院調整加算/退院支援加算/入退院支援加算を算定した症例 Medical Management Percentage of patients with cancer who received discharge support services Number of patients hospitalized for cancer Number of patients in the denominator for whom discharge support or discharge plan management services were calculated
2048 19-006 マネジメント 薬剤管理指導実施割合(実施患者数ベース) 入院症例数 分母のうち、薬剤管理指導を受けた症例数 Medical Management Percentage of hospitalized patients who received clinical pharmacy services All hospitalized patients Hospitalized patients who received clinical pharmacy services
2079 19-009 マネジメント 糖尿病・慢性腎臓病を併存症に持つ患者への栄養管理実施割合 18歳以上の糖尿病・慢性腎臓病であり、それらへの治療が主目的ではない入院症例の食事 分母のうち、特別食加算の算定 Medical Management Percentage of nutritional managements for diabetic or chronic renal failure patients Number of meals for diabetic or chronic renal failure patients aged 18 years and older who were hospitalized for something other than diabetes and renal failure Meals in the denominator for which nutritional management services were calculated
2080 19-010 マネジメント 糖尿病・慢性腎臓病を併存症に持つ患者への早期栄養管理実施割合 18歳以上の糖尿病・慢性腎臓病であり、それらへの治療が主目的ではない入院症例の入院翌日までの食事 分母のうち、特別食加算の算定 Medical Management Percentage of nutritional managements for diabetic or chronic renal failure patients early after admission Number of meals for diabetic or chronic renal failure patients aged 18 years and older who were hospitalized for something other than diabetes and renal failure early after admission Meals in the denominator for which nutritional management services were calculated
2084 19-013 マネジメント 退院後6週間以内の救急医療入院率(退院症例集計) 退院症例数 前回の退院日が42日以内の救急医療入院症例数 Medical Management Percentage of emergency readmission within 6 weeks after the last discharge Number of discharged patients Patients who were emergency-readmitted within 6 weeks after the last discharge
2090 19-016 マネジメント DPC入院期間II以内の割合 退院症例数(DPC分析対象) 入院期間II以内の退院数 Medical Management Percentage within DPC Length of Stay II Number of discharged patients (DPC analysis target) Number of discharges within Length of Stay II
2091 19-017 マネジメント DPC入院期間III超えの割合 退院症例数(DPC分析対象) 入院期間IIIより長い退院数 Medical Management Percentage of DPC Length of Stay III and over Number of discharged patients (DPC analysis target) Number of discharges longer than Length of Stay III
2101 19-020 マネジメント 悪性腫瘍(4種)手術症例における大量輸血の割合2(食道がん・胃がん・大腸がん・直腸がん) 4大癌・悪性腫瘍に対する手術症例(食道がん・胃がん・大腸がん・直腸がん) 分母のうち、大量に輸血の実施された症例 Medical Management Percentage of mass blood transfusion in malignant tumor (4 types) surgical cases 2 (esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, rectal cancer) Surgical cases for 4 major cancers and malignant tumors (esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, rectal cancer) Number of cases in the denominator in which a large amount of blood was transfused
2102 19-021 マネジメント 誤嚥性肺炎症例に対する退院支援の割合 誤嚥性肺炎入院症例数 分母のうち、退院調整加算/退院支援加算/入退院支援加算を算定した症例 Medical Management Percentage of patients with aspiration pneumonia who received discharge support services Number of patients hospitalized for aspiration pneumonia Number of patients in the denominator for whom discharge support or discharge plan management services were calculated
2103 19-022 マネジメント 認知症を伴う症例に対する退院支援の割合 認知症を伴う入院症例数 分母のうち、退院調整加算/退院支援加算/入退院支援加算を算定した症例 Medical Management Percentage of patients with dementia who received discharge support services Number of patients hospitalized for dementia Number of patients in the denominator for whom discharge support or discharge plan management services were calculated
2104 19-023 マネジメント 薬剤管理指導実施開始の平均日数 入院症例のうち、薬剤管理指導を受けた症例数 分母のうち、入院日から薬剤指導管理実施を最初に算定された日までの日数(入院日を1) Medical Management Drug management guidance implementation start date Number of hospitalized patients who received drug management guidance Number of days from the date of admission to the date when the implementation of drug guidance management was first calculated (hospitalization date is 1) for the patients in the denominator
2105 19-024 マネジメント 悪性腫瘍・誤嚥性肺炎・認知症の症例に対する退院支援の割合 悪性腫瘍・誤嚥性肺炎・認知症いずれかの入院症例数 分母のうち、退院調整加算/退院支援加算/入退院支援加算を算定した症例 Medical Management Percentage of patients with cancer, aspiration pneumonia, and dementia who received discharge support services Number patients hospitalized for cancer, aspiration pneumonia, or dementia Number of patients in the denominator for whom discharge support or discharge plan management services were calculated
2116 19-025 マネジメント 外来インスリン治療症例への糖尿病透析予防指導実施割合 インスリン注射を処方された症例の処方された月数 分母の月に、糖尿病透析予防指導の実施された月数 Medical Management Percentage of implementation of the diabetes dialysis prevention guidance for outpatient insulin treatment patients Number of months of insulin prescription for patients prescribed insulin injections Number of months in the denominator in which diabetes dialysis prevention guidance was implemented
2120 19-026 マネジメント 安全管理が必要な医薬品に対する服薬指導実施率 特に安全管理が必要な医薬品として、別表に定める医薬品のいずれかが投薬又は注射されている症例数 分母のうち薬剤管理指導料が算定された症例数 Medical Management Rate of implementation of drug management guidance for drugs that require special safety management Number of patients to whom any of the drugs listed in the attached table is being administered or injected as drugs that require special safety management Number of patients in the denominator for whom the drug management guidance fee was calculated
2139 19-029 マネジメント 薬剤管理指導入院3日以内実施割合(実施患者数ベース) 入院症例数 分母のうち、入院3日内(入院日を1とする)に薬剤管理指導を受けた症例数 Medical Management Percentage of hospitalized patients who received clinical pharmacy services All hospitalized patients Hospitalized patients who received clinical pharmacy services
2140 19-030 マネジメント 7日以内再入院のうち計画外入院割合(同一病院内) 前回退院日が今回の入院日から7日以内の症例数(同一病院内) 分母のうち計画外の再入院の症例数 Medical Management Unplanned hospitalization rate among re-hospitalizations within 7 days The number of patients whose last discharge date is within 7 days from the hospitalization day Number of patients in the denominator with unplanned rehospitalization
2141 19-031 マネジメント 全入院患者に対する薬剤総合評価調整加算の算定割合 解析期間に入退院した症例数(2016年度以降の入院 一般病棟以外も含む) 分母のうち薬剤総合評価調整加算の算定された症例数 Medical Management Rate of drug administration adjustment conducted for all hospitalized patients Number of patients hospitalized during the analysis period (after 2016, including hospitalizations other than general wards) Number of patients in the denominator for whom drug administration adjustment services were calculated
2143 19-032 マネジメント 退院後7日以内の予定外再入院割合 退院症例数 分母のうち、前回退院から7日以内に計画外で再入院した患者 Medical Management Percentage of unplanned/emergency readmission within 7 days after last discharge Number of discharged patients Patients in the denominator who were readmitted (unplanned) within 7 days of their last discharge
2048_2 19-033 マネジメント 薬剤管理指導実施割合(実施患者数ベース)(病棟薬剤業務実施加算の有る医療機関) 入院症例数 分母のうち、薬剤管理指導を受けた症例数 Medical Management Percentage of hospitalized patients who received clinical pharmacy services All hospitalized patients Hospitalized patients who received clinical pharmacy services
2048_3 19-034 マネジメント 薬剤管理指導実施割合(実施患者数ベース)(病棟薬剤業務実施加算の無い医療機関) 入院症例数 分母のうち、薬剤管理指導を受けた症例数 Medical Management Percentage of hospitalized patients who received clinical pharmacy services All hospitalized patients Hospitalized patients who received clinical pharmacy services
2168 19-035 マネジメント 療養病棟入院中の抗不安薬・睡眠薬処方割合(高齢者) 60歳以上の療病病棟へ入院した症例 療養病棟入院中、抗不安薬・睡眠薬の処方のあった症例 Medical Management Percentage of anxiolytic/ hypnotic prescription during hospitalization in the medical treatment ward for elderly patients Number of patients aged 60 years and older admitted to a medical ward Number of patients to whom anxiolytics/ hypnotics were prescribed while hospitalized in the medical treatment ward
2169 19-036 マネジメント 療養病棟入院中のベンゾジアゼピン系抗不安薬・睡眠薬処方割合(高齢者) 60歳以上の療病病棟へ入院した症例 療養病棟入院中、ベンゾジアゼピン系抗不安薬・睡眠薬の処方のあった症例 Medical Management Percentage of Benzodiazepine anxiolytic/ hypnotic prescription during hospitalization in the medical treatment ward for elderly patients Number of patients aged 60 years and older admitted to a medical ward Number of patients to whom a benzodiazepine anxiolytic/ hypnotic was prescribed while hospitalized in the medical treatment ward.
2177 19-037 マネジメント 退院後4週間以内の予定外再入院割合 退院症例数 分母のうち、前回退院から30日以内に計画外で再入院した患者 Medical Management Percentage of unplanned readmission within 30 days of the last discharge Number of discharged patients Number of patients in the denominator who were readmitted (unplanned) within 30 days of their previous discharge
2186 19-038 マネジメント 65 歳以上の症例の入院時低栄養アセスメント実施割合 65歳以上の症例(転院による入院症例除く) 入院時に低栄養アセスメントを実施した症例 Medical Management
2187 19-039 マネジメント 入院時低栄養症例への栄養介入実施割合 入院時に低栄養とアセスメントされた症例(65歳以上) 分母のうち入院中に栄養指導を行った症例 Medical Management
2133 21-001 化学療法 シスプラチンを含むがん薬物療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合 18歳以上の症例で、入院にてシスプラチンを含む化学療法を受けた、実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy Administration of acute prophylactic antiemetics after chemotherapy that contains cisplatin Number of days of in-hospital chemotherapy that contains cisplatin for patients aged 18 years and older Number of concomitant use of all three 5HT3 receptor antagonists, NK1 receptor antagonists and dexamethasone on the days included in the denominator or on the day before
2134 21-002 化学療法 ストレプトゾシンを含むがん薬物療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合 18歳以上の症例で、入院にてストレプトゾシンを含む化学療法を受けた、実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy Administration of acute prophylactic antiemetics after chemotherapy that contains streptozotocin Number of days of in-hospital chemotherapy that contains streptozotocin for patients aged 18 years and older Number of concomitant use of all three 5HT3 receptor antagonists, NK1 receptor antagonists and dexamethasone on the days included in the denominator or on the day before
2135 21-003 化学療法 ダカルバジンを含むがん薬物療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合 18歳以上の症例で、入院にてダカルバジンを含む化学療法を受けた、実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy Administration of acute prophylactic antiemetics after chemotherapy that contains dacarbazine Number of days of in-hospital chemotherapy that contains dacarbazine for patients aged 18 years and older Number of concomitant use of all three 5HT3 receptor antagonists, NK1 receptor antagonists and dexamethasone on the days included in the denominator or on the day before
2136 21-004 化学療法 AC(ドキソルビシン、シクロホスファミド)療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合 18歳以上の症例で、入院にてドキソルビシン、シクロホスファミドの両薬剤を同日に含む化学療法を受けた実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy Administration of acute prophylactic antiemetics after AC therapy (doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide) Number of days of in-hospital chemotherapy that contains doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide on the same day for patients aged 18 years and older Number of concomitant use of all three 5HT3 receptor antagonists, NK1 receptor antagonists and dexamethasone on the days included in the denominator or on the day before
2137 21-005 化学療法 EC(エピルビシン、シクロホスファミド)療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合 18歳以上の症例で、入院にてエピルビシン、シクロホスファミドの両薬剤を同日に含む化学療法を受けた、実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy Administration of acute prophylactic antiemetics after EC therapy (epirubicin, cyclophosphamide) Number of days of in-hospital chemotherapy that contains epirubicin and cyclophosphamide on the same day for patients aged 18 years and older Number of concomitant use of all three 5HT3 receptor antagonists, NK1 receptor antagonists and dexamethasone on the days included in the denominator or on the day before
2133_2 21-006 化学療法 シスプラチンを含むがん薬物療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合(外来) 18歳以上の症例で、外来にてシスプラチンを含む化学療法を受けた、実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy
2134_2 21-007 化学療法 ストレプトゾシンを含むがん薬物療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合(外来) 18歳以上の症例で、外来にてストレプトゾシンを含む化学療法を受けた、実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy
2135_2 21-008 化学療法 ダカルバジンを含むがん薬物療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合(外来) 18歳以上の症例で、外来にてダカルバジンを含む化学療法を受けた、実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy
2136_2 21-009 化学療法 AC(ドキソルビシン、シクロホスファミド)療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合(外来) 18歳以上の症例で、外来にてドキソルビシン、シクロホスファミドの両薬剤を同日に含む化学療法を受けた実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy
2137_2 21-010 化学療法 EC(エピルビシン、シクロホスファミド)療法後の急性期予防的制吐剤の投与割合(外来) 18歳以上の症例で、外来にてエピルビシン、シクロホスファミドの両薬剤を同日に含む化学療法を受けた、実施日数 分母の実施日の前日または当日に、5HT3受容体拮抗薬、NK1受容体拮抗薬およびデキサメタゾンの3剤すべてを併用した数 Chemotherapy
2176 23-001 集中治療 集中治療を要する重症患者に対する早期栄養介入割合 集中治療室に3日間以上連続して入室していた18歳以上の症例 分母のうち、集中治療室入室後3日以内に栄養介入を受けた症例 Intensive care Early nutritional intervention for critically ill patients requiring intensive care Patients aged 18 years and older who have been in the intensive care unit for 3 consecutive days or more Number of patients in the denominator who received nutritional intervention within 3 days after entering the intensive care unit